Wednesday, August 23, 2006

'plagiarism' taken to new heights

Were you good at spelling as a child?
Even so, leukaemia, lymphoma, or heaven forbid,
Habdomyosarcoma would've been a challenge.
Even if you were a spelling bee.
Now imagine having to learb new words not in a school,
But in a hospital.
Just because you can't spell it doesn't mean you can ignore it.
Just because it's not in your vocabulary doesn't mean
It's not in you.

All you know is, it's something that makes you sick.
It makes grown-ups cry like children.

It makes children more grown-up than grown-ups.
Cancer can happen to any child.
Almost all types of cancer in children happen
Spontaneously, for no apparent reason.
Whether you've been bad or naughty or nice.
There's absolutely nothing a parent can do to prevent it.
The child is usually put on a combination of
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery for
At least one year. Hair will fall out.
School is also out; the risk of getting an infection
Is simply too high.
What happens then?

Repeat. Remission. Relapse. Repeat.
No wonder they say living with cancer can be worse
Than dying from cancer.
About 250,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year
Around the world.

But the truly appalling statistic here is, only one in five
Children receive adequate treatment.

We won't let that happen in Singapore,
Where half of all children with cancer are no older than six.
There is hope.
Most childhood cancers are curable. Especially with
A positive attitude and sheer determination.
A strong mind helps when the body is weak.
Many of our young patients do return to school.
(Where they learn the more conventional ABCs.)
The Children's Cancer Foundation has helped over 1100
Children and their families cope with cancer since 1992.

It is a non-profit organisation funded solely by the public
And well-meaning sponsors. The money is put
To providing emotional, financial and medical support.
You can make a donation of any amount at
Every dollar helps.
Everything we do, we do it for the children.
Nothing else.

We only want to help improve the lives of children
Living with cancer. Not their spelling.

(direct transcription from Tulip Hearts Day poster @ CSS Corner YIH)


did i recently announce that i have some mild form of OCD? i might have. it's really quite similar to what brian described on his blog... and i realise how mad it can get, like when i do some powerpoint slides i end up spending more than 5 hours in total? or like how i can rename each of my few thousand mp3s just so that they follow the same naming convention? or the classic eat-my-plate clean now extended to the scraps which fall off the plate?

but none is as jarring and disconcerting as my obsession with css. on the surface it seems a good thing, to be so concerned and active. however, i have my misgivings. yesterday i just kinda blew steph (and artz comm) off for the slight miscoordination regarding calling freshies for cg. i wasn't at their meeting so i didn't know what their plan was, but it simply seemed wrong/ambiguous. so i self-righteously "made comments" (if i could use a euphemism). the blundering forward of candle with regards to our handover is making me so jittery i even lost some sleep over it. indeed, the heart-in-mouth adrenaline rush i got while replying those nerve-racking emails stand in mock testimony to my obsessive excesses.

looking back, i have grown a little over the past year in css. however, i have also made countless mistakes... poking my ugly nose where it is not wanted, extending my ominous shadow over every conceivable css activity/role/thing-to-do. in my quest to become the ultimate administrator, have i not lost sight of service? look at the effort i am putting in - is it equal to the fruits i am seeing? have i gone off the straight end and landed myself in a perpetual state of nitpicking, criticising, and chastising other servants of the lord? what ever happened to patience, humility, appreciation, and gentleness?

forgive me, lord, for the empty promises of self-control, and for needlessly adding to your immense workload. forgive me, css, for the selfish narrowmindedness i have inflicted your poor members with. jesus, please rein me in with your sacred heart, let me love like you do. mother mary, pray for me that i may imitate your example.

now to find the litany of humility.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

光良 - 童话

why am i posting this? hmm. shrugs.